The Science of Investing
State of the Art Asset Allocation and Risk Management

Up Your Game
Invest Using The Best-of-Breed Science
Smart Portfolios™ uses science by an unaffiliated Nobel Prize-winning economist seeking to provide superior asset allocation
models for investment professionals. Smart Portfolio's system's objective of, Dynamic Portfolio Optimization™, seeks
to more accurately measure risk and the expected return of securities and markets.

Invest Intelligently
Use advanced risk-managed investment strategies
It's all about risk versus reward. Big events are more common than standard statistics would have us believe. With Smart Portfolios'
advanced risk technology we look to better assess risk and shift our investments to optimize riskadjusted returns.

Strategize Better
With Smart Portfolio's Dynamic Portfolio OptimizationTM
Smart Portfolios™ seeks to manage risk at each step in the process from the selection of individual investments to the complete portfolio design.
The Dynamic Portfolio Optimization™ model incorporates proprietary tools developed for quantifying risk, with Expected Shortfall, a more accurate measure of risk.
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